Thursday, December 12, 2013

39 weeks 2days (5days to go)

The time is near and I cannot wait the past month has been tiring and long,  Im anxious to see him.
This pregnancy has gone by so fast and I thank God, with Hannah it was a loooong pregnancy, I wasn't complaining I didn't want my pregnancy with her to end I knew inside of me she was safe.  This time is the complete opposite it just flew by.  On Tuesday I went to my weekly OB appointment and of course the usual once I got on the NST he kept me on for 45 mins and then said go to the hospital *sighs* but a part of me wanted to go just to make sure nothing was wrong cause this doctor was driving me nuts every week with the same speech.

I went to the hospital, same hospital where Hannah was born every time I walk in there I feel close to her so much memories, that was our second home and of course sad because she is no longer with me, physically anyway.  The nurse put me on the monitor and he was bouncing around at first, I forgot to mention I made sure I ate before I went to the hospital just in case, then he went back to sleep. The nurse explained what I've been hearing when he's at rest his rate should still jump about 5 numbers up his was 2 or 3 number when he is at rest.

My doctor came down and said he wanted to do an ultrasound before sending me home just to make sure my fluid levels were good and of course my levels were perfect! Like I knew they would be My God has the final say.  Before my Doctor sent me over to the hospital he checked me and my cervix is starting to soften he wants me to come back this week on friday if there is more progress he will go ahead and induce me so this weekend could be it Yay!! But of course I still have stuff to do, today is crunch time I work better under pressure anyway...or so I tell myself.

To be honest Kev will do all the hard work putting together everything and placing it where I want it, I will be the pointer :-) you ladies know how it goes.  We still have some straggling boxes we have to unpack not sure if I mentioned us moving before just in case I didn't We moved about 2 weeks ago were pretty settled in besides those last few boxes I just mentioned.  Well back to work :-)

Keep us in your prayers and look out for another post either tomorrow or saturday.

side profile
39 weeks and feeling it 

Had a little photo bomber