Thursday, January 30, 2014

1 month check-up/update.

 It's been a month (6 weeks to be exact) since KJ has been born, wow! The time is flying and he is getting so big.  Yesterday was KJ's 1 month check up I love going to his doctors office his doctor is friendly and very patient no rushing she takes her time answer all questions she's just great.  KJ is doing great he weighs 12lbs 8ozs now and 24 inches long thats mama big boy the doctor said he is a very tall baby which is understandable If you have seen my husband he is tall.  The doctor was very surprised to see him holding his head up so well while he was on his tummy and kicking his legs in a crawling motion.  I am a proud mommy can you tell?  KJ also had to get a vaccine :-( he was not a happy camper my poor baby, Leah had to get a flu shot as well since she's starting pre-school on monday so we had two crying babies which I am use too I deal with that on a daily basis but I think that was a first for Kevin we handled it well.  Overall it was a good visit both children are healthy and thriving.

  This past month I have had so much different emotions happy, exhausted, amazed, drained, fatigued, proud, I'm about to pull my hair out etc lol. I honestly don't remember night feedings and diaper changes being so hard on my body, I feel like Im getting old and if I don't get my sleep I turn into this different person with no patience grouchy and mean, Kevin that side of me Gwendlyn, he runs from Gwendlyn and I think soon the kids will.  My husband being the man he is decided to take KJ at night and let me get some sleep, As great as that sounds I feel guilty because he has works in the morning and I worry about him being tired at work, I am thankful for him doing that, it does help me function a lot better  during the day when I have the children.  Thankfully KJ is a great baby he sleeps 3-4 hours before he wakes up for a feed so Kevin gets some sleep in between. I think he will start sleeping through the night soon, If daddy doesn't wake him up at 4hrs he would continue sleeping so tonight we will test that and see how long he will sleep before waking up to eat.  Kevin is definitely a hands on daddy which he is happy about because Leah showed him no love when she was a baby she wanted no one else but mommy, it is a good feeling knowing I can turn to kevin for help when needed and he gets to have his daddy and son time.

KJ is such a delight he's playful and such a joy, He has his moments when he is bratty and wants to be held by mommy, daddy and Big sister Kairi :-) and of course we give in.  He is smiling now WITH EVERYONE  and not only leah, I love seeing his big toothless smiles they always melt my heart.  Leah adores him as well always wants to help and kiss him, every now and then she will try and compete with the baby if he's being held she wants to be held she even asked for a bottle really?  I make sure I split the attentions so she's not feeling left out.  Kairi also adores her brother as soon as she walks in she asks where's her baby brother she wants to hold him, She's a great help when I need to get his bottle together she holds him and comfort him until his milk is ready.  I am trying hard for him not to get use to being held all the time but its hard so far he's not too bad since he's a good sleeper in the day but he's starting to be more alert so I  put him down until he start fussing, then put him in his swing for sometime If he doesn't fall asleep and starts fussing then its on to the play mate where him and leah lay there and admire each other after he's bored of that I hold him for a little then start the cycle again.

Looking at KJ I see Hannah the face he makes when he cries is a splitting image of Hannah's when she cried I love the fact that looking at him I see my Hannah :-) another thing to keep her close and in my heart.  Speaking of his cry for the past few days KJ does this squealing noise/scream thing I think my boy is developing a temper he does this when I put him down and he doesn't want to be put down "well excuse me" I tell him lol.  My family is complete I have 3 beautiful children and 1 beautiful Angel watching over us there is nothing more I can ask for. I am happy to say I Gabrielle Joseph is done having children, yes it is true. However, I might adopt 1 or 2 more in the future I plan on doing foster care so that opinion is open, I want a big family I just don't want to carry anymore children my womb is close for business.  God Bless and Goodnight!

Here are some picture's of KJ and family in January.

He wasn't a happy camper this day.

Bath Time he loves his bathes.

KJ with one of his God fathers at Kai's b-day dinner

KJ with Granny and Pop Pop (Kevs Parents)

Playing with his hair curly mohawk

Big kev & Lil Kev enjoying a peaceful afternoon.
Rocking the straight hair mohawk.
LMBO I  think he's tired of the pictures...NAHHH 

KJ giving me all the kisses.

Leah and KJ my babies.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Kevin Michael Joseph Jr. 12/15/13.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Finally after almost 3 weeks I finally found time to post about the birth and update of my prince Kevin Michael JosephJr. I cant believe on sunday KJ will be 3 weeks old time is flying, especially with no sleep the days are just going.  I am just thankful to be here and making through a crazy delivery, Everything started off normal and in a blink of an eye things went left.

Dec. 14th I went in to the hospital with contractions after getting an ultrasound done I was admitted due to low fluids I was excited and ready, after about 16 hours and a new day Dec 15th I was finally 10 cm dilated and ready to push, kept pushing, pushed some more after what seemed forever... still no baby.  The nurse went and spoke to my doctor because she noticed the baby's heart rate was elevated within no time she returned and told me I was gonna be prepped for a c-section.  At that moment I was so tired I didn't care how this baby was coming out I just wanted it all over.

Kevin Michael Joseph Jr. 8lbs 9ozs 21inches.

Daddy mastering swaddling.

I was wheeled into a small operating room (which I thought would be bigger on the TLC show Baby Story the OR rooms look huge) and within no time I heard his first cry I was drowsy I kept falling asleep I remember Big Kev bringing a picture of him I woke up and he was holding Our little guy I gave baby boy a kiss then fell asleep again when I woke up again I was still in the OR I remember wondering how long has it been I looked over at the clock  it was a little after 8am and all I kept hearing was whisperings at one point I heard the word Hematoma because I was so out of it I could not remember what the heck a hematoma was I am familiar with the word being the fact I was an EMT but at that moment I could not remember what it was.

Long story short I had a hematoma that wouldn't stop bleeding as the doctor was trying to control the hematoma I started bleeding everywhere else as the doctor explained it "everywhere I touched it would bleed" after 2 hrs she was able to control the bleeding and finally I was closed up and sent off to delivery.  As soon as I was wheeled into recovery there were my two handsome fellas waiting on me, the only two faces I wanted to see at that moment.  After I was seen by the nurse I was able to hold and feed KJ.  Recovery time is usually 2 hours but my doctor wanted me to stay there for 3 hours.  After 3 hours I was cleared to go up to the maternity floor BUT WAIT.... There's more, As I am waiting for transport my heart rate starts going bonkers 150's,160's,170's Now I am thinking its because I am hot, thirsty and tired my heart is working overtime to compensate make sense right?

The doctor comes in and my alarms are going off my blood pressure is low but my heart rate is high and the games begin she comes in and asks if I am ok I said yes but I am thirsty,hot, and tired.  The doctor looks at my vitals and starts ordering an EKG, a cat scan,blood work, calling in all the different types of doctors I am frustrated  because I just want to go up to the mommy and baby floor and enjoy my new born.  Well, after my blood work and cat scan came back they saw that I had another hematoma the size of football and I was bleeding internally.... REALLY??

Everything went really fast from there IV's on one arm 2 bags of blood being pumped into my other arm and I just laying there wondering what is next? I was rushed off to SICU (surgical intensive care unit) where the doctors were going back and forth on if they should prep me for surgery but because of what already happened in the OR just a few hours ago that had to be the last opinion.  After 4 blood transfusions, being in the ICU,  having blood drawn every 3 hrs and other medications and most importantly God said It wasn't my time yet the bleeding stopped.  It was hard being in the ICU I couldn't see my baby I couldn't see my girls, this wasn't the way I envisioned my last delivery to be.  After 4 days in the ICU I was released to the high risk maternity floor. After a week in the hospital and praying to go home after dealing with fevers being told I couldn't go home until I was fever free for  I was released and ready to go home.

3 weeks later all is good I am back to normal for the most part, Lil KJ is growing and doing great gaining weight and height.  He's a quiet baby for the most part just make sure his pamper is clean, belly is full, and he's comfortable he will sleep until it is time to do it all again. Leah my 2 year old wants to know when will he wake up and play I tell don't worry soon she will beg for him to take a nap ;-) Kairi my oldest Hasn't seen him since he was born unfortunately, she's been with her dad and his family for the holiday Today she is coming for the weekend she's excited to see him and I am excited to see her with him too.  I can't wait for the day when I will have all my children together with me everyday but thats a whole other blog.

Here's some pictures of the family meeting Lil Kev.  It takes a village to raise a child, These are the people in my village and the people that will always be there to help raise teach and instill values, spiritual teaching and love to our children.  ( a few people missing as soon as I get pictures with them and Kj they will be added to the village :-) you all know who you are)

Leah meeting her brother for the first time

Leah holding her brother for he first time

Grandma (my Mommy) Holding her grandson for the first time

Kairi holding her  brother (love her smile)

Auntie/Godmommy  taking in her  new love.
Big Kev and Lil Kev bonding
Thankful to God for keeping me here to continue watching my children grow, I wanna see my grand kids matter of fact Im greedy I wanna live to see my great-grand kids my God can do it... 2014 is already a great year,  Again I want to wish everyone a Happy,blessed, and prosperous year.