He is such a big boy now, I look at him and can't believe how time has flown. Its bittersweet I want to see him grow of course but I want him to stay my little baby. His 7 months has been fun and tiring he is so busy and never still. Now he learned to crawl and too hold on to things and walk around I cant take my eyes of him for minute.
He's growing very well he weighs 20lbs and he loves food, table food! Baby food! He doesn't care jus give him food, I've posted a video of him tearing up some corn on the cob he is too funny. KJ has 5 teeth 2 on top and 3 on the bottom, and he knows how to use them for food and biting noses lol. Even though he's a busy body now he still my peaceful little guy, so sweet and gentle... when he wants to be but most of the time he's a hair pulling, face slapping screaming and shouting kind of guy. I blame daddy of course because they always play fighting and KJ is always climbing and trying to take down his dad.
8 months has been the most fun he's done so much in a month he's standing by himself, Im trying to get him to walk but he doesn't only when someone is holding his hand or he has support from furniture, and peoples legs. Watching him grow is so awesome, I am blessed to watch all my children grow, it is truly God's gift to me.
He's jibber jabbering now, I lot of mum mum and baa baa and I am sure he says yea and hey but its debatable. I'm working on him saying mama first but we will have to wait and see what who he says first mama? or dada? he loves mimicking the sounds I make thats how we communicate. His favorite song right now is "If your happy and you know it" he starts clapping to the song. I just can't believe in about 3 months my baby boy will be a year! Where is the time going? Im working on planning his birthday party. I cant wait!!
December, January and February are the busiest for kevin and I, Our anniversary is Dec 3, KJ bday is the 15th, christmas is the 25th, Kairi's b-day is Jan 10th, Kaliyah's b-day is feb 2nd we definitely didn't think all of this through somethings could've of been spaced out. After Leah's birthday my pockets will only have lint in them but my family is all worth it.
Since KJ started eating baby food I've been battling if I should make his food or buy it made from the store like most people do. Right now he's eating gerber baby food. With Leah I was on the whole make it from scratch and honestly I hated it the fruits changed into weird colors and it didn't preserve well. Listening to people who felt making it was better then buying it made.
This time around I decided to buy the baby foods but every now and then I feel guilty or maybe get judged because I dont make his food. I tried googling about both homemade vs store bought and I was even more confused. His veggies I can make from scratch but the fruits I don't like the way it comes out.
I grew up on gerber baby food and I am just fine and I am sure KJ will be just fine too. There are children in the world who aren't fortunate enough to have either one, So I am thankful for the options I have and for those who can make their babies food power to them. for me and mines we will alternate between the two. Oh how I love my sweet boy!!
I have about 2 weeks before I have to write KJ's 9 months post smh. I am really trying to keep this up i want to document all his monthly achievements for his first year but its getting harder and harder but I will complete this.... Until next time, God bless!
Always trying to crawl over the couch. |
8 months has been the most fun he's done so much in a month he's standing by himself, Im trying to get him to walk but he doesn't only when someone is holding his hand or he has support from furniture, and peoples legs. Watching him grow is so awesome, I am blessed to watch all my children grow, it is truly God's gift to me.
He's jibber jabbering now, I lot of mum mum and baa baa and I am sure he says yea and hey but its debatable. I'm working on him saying mama first but we will have to wait and see what who he says first mama? or dada? he loves mimicking the sounds I make thats how we communicate. His favorite song right now is "If your happy and you know it" he starts clapping to the song. I just can't believe in about 3 months my baby boy will be a year! Where is the time going? Im working on planning his birthday party. I cant wait!!
Since KJ started eating baby food I've been battling if I should make his food or buy it made from the store like most people do. Right now he's eating gerber baby food. With Leah I was on the whole make it from scratch and honestly I hated it the fruits changed into weird colors and it didn't preserve well. Listening to people who felt making it was better then buying it made.
This time around I decided to buy the baby foods but every now and then I feel guilty or maybe get judged because I dont make his food. I tried googling about both homemade vs store bought and I was even more confused. His veggies I can make from scratch but the fruits I don't like the way it comes out.
I grew up on gerber baby food and I am just fine and I am sure KJ will be just fine too. There are children in the world who aren't fortunate enough to have either one, So I am thankful for the options I have and for those who can make their babies food power to them. for me and mines we will alternate between the two. Oh how I love my sweet boy!!
I have about 2 weeks before I have to write KJ's 9 months post smh. I am really trying to keep this up i want to document all his monthly achievements for his first year but its getting harder and harder but I will complete this.... Until next time, God bless!
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