WHAT A DAY!! * sighs* Lets start with my eye doctor appointment, I decided I wanted to get contacts for the big day I usually have glasses on and between them getting foggy or in the way I decided I didn't want to have them on. Well, after getting the eye exam the doctor felt it wasn't a good idea to get the contacts due to a problem in my left eye, I was so disappointed and refused to accept that so I asked for my prescription and was gonna call 1-800-contacts to get what I wanted. My dear husband didn't think that was a good idea and didn't want to me damage my eyes like the doctor said could happen.... So unfortunately I listened to my hubby and just picked out new glasses still not happy but what I can I do.
After I finished whining and pouting I went home to finish packing not my baby bag (which I need to do as well) but packing up our belongings WE ARE MOVING, I am so excited it's a bigger place since of course we need more space, we signed our lease today and retrieved our keys so for the next two weeks packing.. packing.. packing.. I will include packing mines and baby's bag as well into all that packing.
After some packing it was time to get ready for my doctors appointment. Surprisingly the doctor was already there when we got there and we didn't have to wait long. Since I am 36 weeks now the doctor will monitor the babies for movement, contractions and heart rate ( this is where the story gets interesting) I get hooked up to the monitor his heart rate is nice and strong after 30 minutes the medical assistant came in and says they need to get the baby to wake up and move she shook my belly, rub it, gave me a chocolate almond bar asked if I ate? which I did I made sure I made a stop before going in to the doctors office all these things and he still would not wake up after an hour of nothing the doctor insisted I go eat a full meal...again or of to the hospital he was sending me. #aintnobodygottimefadat
I went to my newly found favorite caribbean restaurant and ordered some yummy peas and rice with stew chicken cabbage the works.. I thought I wasn't hungry but boy I tore that food up washed it down with a pineapple Jamaican soda and was ready to go back to the doctor, got hooked back up to the monitor. this little boy is stubborn but eventually he started slowly moving around then bouncing around and the monitor was finally picking up his movement and all was good. Once that was over I got some blood drawn and a culture was done after 4 hours we were done. OH the doctor talked about his size and how every time he measures my stomach its bigger and bigger I already know he's gonna be a big boy as long as I can push him out I am ok with that. He checked me (how joyful NOT!) His head is still high he hasn't even dropped yet, so no thanksgiving baby. I also gained 2 pounds yay!! Now my appointment are every week :-)
I was wasn't worried or panicked as long as I heard that heartbeat I knew he was fine plus Im use to my little guy he's not much of a mover he sleeps mosts of the time and is up...well whenever he wants to be up lol. I let leah start talking to him that usually gets him moving or I poke at him he definitely doesn't like that. At 36 weeks Im so uncomfortable Im always in the bathroom and sleep?? psssh what is that I dont even know anymore but I am excited and I cant wait to see his beautiful face he is so worth it. Once we are moved and everything is put up and together I will post pictures.
36weeks with 4 weeks/28 days left.. Goodnight and God bless
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