Friday, November 29, 2013

37weeks ( 3 weeks to go) The week of Thanksgiving!!

The time is so near yet so FAR....To me anyway.  Tuesday was an exciting day,  I had my ultrasound done we got to see our little man be uncooperative as usual but he is healthy and growing very big after the technician  checked everything she did measuring, His limbs and head are about a week bigger but his stomach is at 40 weeks she tried a few more times to see if it was an error and it kept getting bigger and bigger lol it went from 39weeks and some days, to 40weeks and some days. YIKES!!!

After our wonderful visit with our boy I had some time to kill so kev and I went thanksgiving shopping and dropped it off to my mom since thats where thanksgiving was going to be this year.  I got on that turkey cleaned him up and soaked him down. Once all that was done it was time to end to my weekly OB appointment. The new routine when I go for my appointments is I have to be hooked up to the NST for about 30 mins which monitors the baby's movement and for contractions.  This time I think things went better our little guy didn't move as much as they wanted him to move but he moved more then he did the first time.

Overall doctor was satisfied, he checked for any change nothing yet I wasn't mad because I wanted to enjoy thanksgiving without any worry and I did. Thanksgiving was great of course there was some drama but nothing worth me talking about what matter was my family was there and we had a great time. My Mom, sister, oldest daughter and I came together and cooked a wonderful meal. It was great to watch my daughter help with cutting up the greens or whatever task was given she's  awesome and  growing so much If I keep thinking and typing about it Im gonna start tearing up. Of course my two year old did her job in getting into everything, being in the way and getting kicked out the kitchen but that didn't stop her from coming back every time trying to steal cheese or whatever she could get her hands on.

I was hoping to eat a lot more then I did but its something about when your the cook, once the food is done your not as hungry as those who were waiting, I did eat everything on my plate.  Im sure I will  make up for it in the next few days with leftovers. 

My mom with the girls.

My oldest kai with her aunty. leah and me in the back.

leah patiently waiting for her food.

hubby carving the trukey.

I am thankful for life And so happy that I didn't let trails, tribulations, or people bring me down through out life I am still me and that will never change. I couldn't imagine living life being bitter,mean, and unhappy I've seen people like that and it doesn't look enjoyable.  I definitely thank my heavenly father for keeping me without him I don't even wanna know what my life would look like so I am very thankful.

My brother,mom and the girls.

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