Friday, August 30, 2013

24 weeks (6 months)

This week I turned 24 weeks yay! 6 months pregnant 3 more months to go.  As fast as it's going this can go a tad bit faster If I could wake up and tomorrow was thanksgiving that would be perfect :-), unfortunately thanksgiving is still some time away. I am happy to say baby boy is getting big and bouncing around everyday his moves and kicks get stronger.

Sometime in September I have to do the Glucose Screening Test this test checks for gestational diabetes.   Im not excited about test drinking the nasty orange soda then waiting for an hour for blood draw but a women's gotta do what a woman's gotta do.  With my other pregnancies I have never had any issue's with my sugar don't expect that to change now.

As the weeks go by and I get bigger and bigger, he gets stronger and stronger my excitement rises higher then my fears, Im not as worried. I'm letting myself enjoy the pregnancy more.  Looking forward to seeing my baby boy and looking towards the future. He's truly my Rainbow baby.

Today is Friday the beginning of the holiday weekend, A weekend I usually look forward to LABOR DAY WEEKEND! This is the time when all the West Indians come out and represent their flag and culture.   This is the time  I get my with my bestie Shenna and we have a blast all weekend go to soca and calypso parties and enjoy the festivities.

I can still represent my family culture. The Guyana Flag.

Well, not this year lol This year I will be watching from the sidelines,  I am somewhat happy I don't live in NY anymore, In NJ everything is normal there is no Caribbean music, food, flags.... Nothing to miss and make me feel blue about missing the festivities. There's always next year.  

Even though I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY the caribbean vibes run through my veins you would think I was born and raised somewhere in Trinidad, but heres the funny thing both my parents are from Guyana no where near Trinidad.  I just love the Trinidadian music it does something to me, I already play some for baby boy not sure if he loves yet since he's always bouncing, cant tell the difference yet. My 2 year old loves soca music

Everyone celebrating Labor Day this weekend have a blast and please be safe out there it can get crazy.
                                                                                                       stay blessed,
                                                                                                               Gabby J.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Gabby! Congrats on only having a few months left of pregnancy! I'm Heather and I just have a quick question about your blog! If you could email me at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com I would greatly appreciate it!
