Thursday, December 12, 2013

39 weeks 2days (5days to go)

The time is near and I cannot wait the past month has been tiring and long,  Im anxious to see him.
This pregnancy has gone by so fast and I thank God, with Hannah it was a loooong pregnancy, I wasn't complaining I didn't want my pregnancy with her to end I knew inside of me she was safe.  This time is the complete opposite it just flew by.  On Tuesday I went to my weekly OB appointment and of course the usual once I got on the NST he kept me on for 45 mins and then said go to the hospital *sighs* but a part of me wanted to go just to make sure nothing was wrong cause this doctor was driving me nuts every week with the same speech.

I went to the hospital, same hospital where Hannah was born every time I walk in there I feel close to her so much memories, that was our second home and of course sad because she is no longer with me, physically anyway.  The nurse put me on the monitor and he was bouncing around at first, I forgot to mention I made sure I ate before I went to the hospital just in case, then he went back to sleep. The nurse explained what I've been hearing when he's at rest his rate should still jump about 5 numbers up his was 2 or 3 number when he is at rest.

My doctor came down and said he wanted to do an ultrasound before sending me home just to make sure my fluid levels were good and of course my levels were perfect! Like I knew they would be My God has the final say.  Before my Doctor sent me over to the hospital he checked me and my cervix is starting to soften he wants me to come back this week on friday if there is more progress he will go ahead and induce me so this weekend could be it Yay!! But of course I still have stuff to do, today is crunch time I work better under pressure anyway...or so I tell myself.

To be honest Kev will do all the hard work putting together everything and placing it where I want it, I will be the pointer :-) you ladies know how it goes.  We still have some straggling boxes we have to unpack not sure if I mentioned us moving before just in case I didn't We moved about 2 weeks ago were pretty settled in besides those last few boxes I just mentioned.  Well back to work :-)

Keep us in your prayers and look out for another post either tomorrow or saturday.

side profile
39 weeks and feeling it 

Had a little photo bomber 

Friday, November 29, 2013

37weeks ( 3 weeks to go) The week of Thanksgiving!!

The time is so near yet so FAR....To me anyway.  Tuesday was an exciting day,  I had my ultrasound done we got to see our little man be uncooperative as usual but he is healthy and growing very big after the technician  checked everything she did measuring, His limbs and head are about a week bigger but his stomach is at 40 weeks she tried a few more times to see if it was an error and it kept getting bigger and bigger lol it went from 39weeks and some days, to 40weeks and some days. YIKES!!!

After our wonderful visit with our boy I had some time to kill so kev and I went thanksgiving shopping and dropped it off to my mom since thats where thanksgiving was going to be this year.  I got on that turkey cleaned him up and soaked him down. Once all that was done it was time to end to my weekly OB appointment. The new routine when I go for my appointments is I have to be hooked up to the NST for about 30 mins which monitors the baby's movement and for contractions.  This time I think things went better our little guy didn't move as much as they wanted him to move but he moved more then he did the first time.

Overall doctor was satisfied, he checked for any change nothing yet I wasn't mad because I wanted to enjoy thanksgiving without any worry and I did. Thanksgiving was great of course there was some drama but nothing worth me talking about what matter was my family was there and we had a great time. My Mom, sister, oldest daughter and I came together and cooked a wonderful meal. It was great to watch my daughter help with cutting up the greens or whatever task was given she's  awesome and  growing so much If I keep thinking and typing about it Im gonna start tearing up. Of course my two year old did her job in getting into everything, being in the way and getting kicked out the kitchen but that didn't stop her from coming back every time trying to steal cheese or whatever she could get her hands on.

I was hoping to eat a lot more then I did but its something about when your the cook, once the food is done your not as hungry as those who were waiting, I did eat everything on my plate.  Im sure I will  make up for it in the next few days with leftovers. 

My mom with the girls.

My oldest kai with her aunty. leah and me in the back.

leah patiently waiting for her food.

hubby carving the trukey.

I am thankful for life And so happy that I didn't let trails, tribulations, or people bring me down through out life I am still me and that will never change. I couldn't imagine living life being bitter,mean, and unhappy I've seen people like that and it doesn't look enjoyable.  I definitely thank my heavenly father for keeping me without him I don't even wanna know what my life would look like so I am very thankful.

My brother,mom and the girls.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

36 weeks (4 weeks left)

WHAT A DAY!! * sighs* Lets start with my eye doctor appointment, I decided I wanted to get contacts for the big day I usually have glasses on and between them getting foggy or in the way I decided I didn't want to have them on.  Well, after getting the eye exam the doctor felt it wasn't a good idea to get the contacts due to a problem in my left eye, I was so disappointed and refused to accept that so I asked for my prescription and was gonna call 1-800-contacts to get what I wanted.  My dear husband didn't think that was a good idea and didn't want to me damage my eyes like the doctor said could happen.... So unfortunately I listened to my hubby and just picked out new glasses still not happy but what I can I do.

After I finished whining and pouting I went home to finish packing not my baby bag (which I need to do as well) but packing up our belongings WE ARE MOVING, I am so excited it's a bigger place since of course we need more space, we signed our lease today and retrieved our keys so for the next two weeks packing.. packing.. packing..  I will include packing mines and baby's bag as well into all that packing.

After some packing it was time to get ready for my doctors appointment.  Surprisingly the doctor was already there when we got there and we didn't have to wait long.  Since I am 36 weeks now the doctor will monitor the babies for movement, contractions and heart rate ( this is where the story gets interesting) I get hooked up to the monitor his heart rate is nice and strong after 30 minutes the medical assistant came in and says they need to get the baby to  wake up and move she shook my belly, rub it, gave me a chocolate almond bar asked if I ate? which I did I made sure I made a stop before going in to the doctors office all these things and he still would not wake up after an hour of nothing the doctor insisted I go eat a full meal...again or of to the hospital he was sending me.  #aintnobodygottimefadat

I went to my newly found favorite caribbean restaurant and ordered some yummy peas and rice with stew chicken cabbage the works.. I thought I wasn't hungry but boy I tore that food up washed it down with a pineapple Jamaican soda and was ready to go back to the doctor, got hooked back up to the monitor. this little boy is stubborn but eventually he started slowly moving around then bouncing around and the monitor was finally picking up his movement and all was good.  Once that was over I got some blood drawn and a culture was done after 4 hours we were done. OH the doctor talked about his size and how every time he measures my stomach its bigger and bigger I already know he's gonna be a big boy as long as I can push him out I am ok with that.  He checked me (how joyful NOT!) His head is still high he hasn't even dropped yet, so no thanksgiving baby. I also gained 2 pounds yay!! Now my appointment are every week :-)

I was wasn't worried or panicked as long as I heard that heartbeat I knew he was fine plus Im use to my little guy he's not much of a mover he sleeps mosts of the time and is up...well whenever he wants to be up lol.  I let leah start talking to him that usually gets him moving or  I poke at him he definitely doesn't like that.  At 36 weeks Im so uncomfortable Im always in the bathroom and sleep?? psssh what is that I dont even know anymore but I am excited and I cant wait to see his beautiful face he is so worth it.  Once we are moved and everything is put up and together I will post pictures.

36weeks with 4 weeks/28 days left.. Goodnight and God bless

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

34 weeks (6 weeks to go)

Ok so I lied its been more than 2 weeks since I last posted anything, I cant believe that much time has passed I would say im gonna do tomorrow and keep putting it off for the next day and here we are 4 weeks later wowzers!!.  In all fairness (to me) I didn't have time not because I was busy doing a nursery or anything but my days would just go by I wake up with my little one we eat breakfast, we watch cartoons.  At 10am we watch wendy "How you doin?"11am the view, noon the news then lunch time after lunch I might take a nap with leah but I don't like taking naps because I always wake up feeling nauseous and just blah.

Lately I've been doing more getting rid of clothes and junk we have around the house making space for  our little guy. It was a slow process I would start and get tired and not get back to it until the next day or 2.  Kevin has been a great help on his day off we get a lot done he's all about business, Thank god he is about business if it was up to me it wouldn't get done. Im just tired and huge.  It's overwhelming having so much to do but no energy to do it

  I finally got around to doing the baby shopping before we went shopping I was trying to make a list of everything he needs and I would go blank I couldn't remember what babies needed lol,  On one of my baby emails I get suggested I get all things the baby would need for the first 6 weeks that really helped me as I made my list.  It didn't help me with over buying though everything in there was so cute and I wanted it all. I went a little crazy in their but stayed on what he needed. There's a few things I have to get but for the most part we are set, just have to wash the clothes and put them away.

I always had an image of how I would dress my little boy and it's the way I want to see him dress as a grown man clean cut, well put together, just SHARP.  He has a great role model to look up to his daddy so hopefully he will follow in his daddy's steps and be sharp.  I cant wait to see him in his church suits and cardigans. Im gonna love dressing him like a little man.

With 6 weeks left I am getting so excited and impatient I want him here in my arms.  When I watch baby stories leah always asks when is her baby brother gonna be here and I tell her soon wishing I could say tomorrow!!.  Yesterday we went for my doctor's appointment all is good my sugar test came back negative yay!! for that, however my iron is a little low so now I have to take 2 iron pills a day instead of one.

unfortunately I didn't remember to take pics of the outfits until we were almost done :-( but here are two  of them. soon I will 

Other then that all was great he listened to his heart beat it was strong and going, The doctor wants me to get another ultrasound in 3 weeks  to see how much bigger he is now the last ultrasound he was 3lbs 12ozs which puts him in the 75 percentile.  AS long as I can push him out im good Im not even thinking about the other options I have tunnel vision to anything else. 
Leah's and I drawings together at arts and craft time.  She wanted our picture put up

6 weeks 41 more days until our prince is here. Keep us in your prayers.

34 weeks preggo

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

30 weeks (10 weeks left)

I am 30 weeks pregnant yay! 10 weeks left it's getting close. Kev and I had a busy day yesterday we had two appointments since  Kev likes coming to my appointments we put both appointments on one day since yesterday was his day off, First was my gyn visit that was pretty quick, It's a mother and son business they are both doctor's when I see the mother we are in and out but when I see the son we usually have to wait awhile because he sometimes get stuck at the hospitals where he also works.
I dont mind seeing either one of them but I found out after 32 weeks I will have to see the son Dr. Cocozielli (the son) since he does the deliveries.

  Back to yesterday so she weighed me I lost two pounds I wasn't happy about that only because I was worried if the baby was gaining enough weight, so far in this pregnancy I have only gained 8 pounds well 6 now that I lost 2 pounds. Dr. Cocozielli (the mom) reassured me it wasn't a bad thing she explained since I am on the plus side its good im not packing on weight in my case 10-15 pounds  for the whole pregnancy would be fine.  She listened for his heartbeat his heart was going nice and strong.
She said to schedule for 2 weeks and we were done.  Oh I had to get a prescription for extra iron no surprise there I have always been anemic I know the routine now.

We finished earlier then we expected and since our little one was with Grandma and we had about 2 hours to spare we decided to run some errands, once those were done we headed to our next appointment we got there early, we had one person ahead of us and when we sat down they got called in everything was just moving nice and quickly. After about 15-20 minutes it was our turn, We had a wonderful ultrasound technician she kept us laughing and talking. Our little wasn't too cooperative he would not stay still every time she caught a pic it was blurring cause he would move, We did get one pic of him stretching his leg (which are very long) over his head like a gymnast it was too funny now i know what he is doing in there.
The picture isn't clear but I can clearly see his leg over his head.  He's doing doing yoga in my womb lol

After watching him do all his antics  we got down to business, she measured his head, legs, arms and belly.  His belly was big she measured it his belly is weighing a week ahead as his legs and arm are too, The technician said usually when she sees that the babies are born big no surprise there :-) after everything is checked  and all was good she told us his weight... He weighs 3lbs and 12 ounces.  We did the math if he is born on time he will be about 8 and half to 9lbs and a half she continued to say if he is born after my due date she feels sorry for me, oh yes how nice lol.  By 12:30pm we were done with all our appointments and it was time for lunch of course.

Yesterday was a great day, Today ehhh I was tired i did nap but it wasn't long enough so I woke up feeling grouchy. Leah is clingy and I am big and always hot lol so we fight a lot she wants to be close or on me I try with her but after a while it likes ok I need space.  Lately sleep hasn't been my friend and it's showing in my attitude but I am trying to tame it and be pleasant *big smile* I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over.

30 week photo shot of the belly

With 10 weeks left and my appointments every two weeks we are coming down with to crunch time, Kev is nervous because he doesn't know how we are gonna do it with our demanding two year old and what if the baby wakes her up in the middle of the night, I personally think she will get use to it and most likely sleep through it like men do :-) no shade thrown.  Im more worried about being ready we have 10 weeks left and so much to do but im procrastinating but I am done procrastinating in the next  2 weeks I definitely start getting everything and setting up.

Every 2 weeks I will update my blog and post my progress on getting things together and ready for our bundle of joy.  10 weeks 69 more days Keep us in your prayers.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Tot Tuesday at LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester

Recently I went to LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester and you can read about what I did HERE.

We had an awesome time and I know other families who go there will also, so I am excited and think it is so great they are now having Tot's Tuesdays for younger children, Starting October 1st and every Tuesday there after will be special activities catered to toddlers including  DUPLO building with the attraction's master model builder David Howard. Every Tuesday will be featured programs for toddlers and parents to enjoy.

For the big opening October 1st WHUD  Kacey Morabito from "Mike and Kacey in the Morning" will be there from 11am-1pm for story time with the children, how exciting!

Tot's Tuesday is great for all lego lover's it will start every Tuesday from 10am-2pm, while there you can enjoy the other attractions Legoland has to offer like the 2 adventure rides or enjoy a 4-D cinema movie to name a few.

On Tot's Tuesday Admission for children ages 3-5 is $14 for adults $16. Children under two years old are free. Learn more and plan a visit -

Thursday, September 26, 2013

With Hope, The Odds Don't Matter. ( Mesothelioma Awareness day)

 About a week  ago a women by the name of Heather reached out to me about Mesothelioma Awareness day which is today and wanted me to help support the cause  after reading her story  it would be a pleasure to do this and bring awareness to the seriousness of it. Before going on her website I didn't know about Mesothelioma as  I am sure many of us don't unless we know someone who was diagnosed with it.  In honor of Mesothelioma Awareness Day and in honor of those won the battle, lost the battle or are in the middle of the battle right now I am donating my social network.

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer  caused by exposure to Asbestos, that develops from cells of the mesothelium, the protective lining that covers many of the internal organs of the body. About 3,000 people are diagnosed with Mesothelioma a year and given around 10 months to live.  Heather was diagnosed with Mesothelioma and given 15 months to live 3 months after giving birth to her beautiful daughter. 7 years later heather is a mesothelioma survivor,  she has made it her job to spread the word and awareness about mesothelioma. You can continue reading about her story and journey on her website  

Today being Mesothelioma Awareness Day Heather is asking that we donate our social status, give your voice to the victims and spread hope for those who are still in the fight. Go on the link above and donate your network status for a great cause. Thank you.

Friday, September 20, 2013

27 weeks!!! (12 weeks to go)

3 more months yay!!! On the 17th I turned 7 months if little man comes on his due date but Im not officially 7 months until next tuesday when I am 28 weeks so what I'm still celebrating I will take every cheat I can get that will get me closer to my due date.  Next week is also the beginning of my third trimester, I am starting to feel the effects I'm no longer sleeping through the night between bathroom calls and not being able to get comfortable a good's night sleep is getting harder and  harder.
After dinner

On monday I went to my OB appointment typical appointment sit in the waiting room for 30-45mins, get called to sit in the patients room and wait for the doctor to come in for another 30-45mins then have the doctor come in for 5 minutes make small talk listen to the baby heart beat we are good to go come back in 3 weeks to do it all over again :-) thats so how it goes every time, maybe I am the only one.  Before he left I spoke to him about tying my tubes.  I really want to get that done but I heard so many mixed views on it I wanted his facts, I heard some women go into early menopause, the body gets confused and go all wacko.  The doctor said its impossible for that too happen and he showed me what it is thats being snipped.  I will do some research and get my facts in order so kev and I can make the final decision.

Tuesday I went in to get my glucose test done O joy, yes that is sarcasm.  All I kept thinking about was the nasty orange liquid I will drink YUCK!!! The phlebotomist gave me the liquid concoction she assured me that the taste was better now it had more of an orange taste and it wouldn't be bad, As my friend in my head Tamar Braxton would say "lies you tell" lies that lady told it was just as nasty as I remembered.  I would say it taste like orange flat soda but that has more taste then that glucose drink.  I drank it waited my hour reading "50 shades of grey" got my blood drawn and I was done.  Thank God!

Meet Markie everyone :-) next post I will add video
My Older sister gave me a my baby's heart beat bear to review he is the cutest giraffe I have ever seen I love his big eyes.  His name is Markie, he comes with a heart shape recorder that goes in the back of the giraffe and you can record the your baby's heart, your voice or song of choice.  We chose to record our little mans heart beat. It took us a little while to get the heartbeat recorded the first time we went in to the doctor got the heartbeat all went great, when I get in the car the kids wanted to hear the recorded heart beat, before I squeezed the giraffe I asked kevin if the switch was on play and not record he said yes it's on play so I  squeezed the bear and got nothing then when I squeezed it again nothing, I take the back out and ITS ON RECORD we rerecorded over the heart beat which means we lost the heart beat I was so upset and disappointed.HE already knew to threaded lightly for the rest of the day lol

A whole month later we finally get the recorded heartbeat and I make sure we save a copy somewhere just in case that mistakes happens again. I so wish I had this for Hannah I would love to hear her heartbeat when on days when I am feeling down it would have been a wonderful keepsakes of my little Angel.  Here's a little sample from markie.

12 more weeks 90 days to be exact but whose counting :-) until I meet my prince.   Until then you guys keeps praying my family and I we need them especially Kevin he's taking a lot between my mood swings and craving's he need's all the prayer ha!ha!ha!

Friday, August 30, 2013

24 weeks (6 months)

This week I turned 24 weeks yay! 6 months pregnant 3 more months to go.  As fast as it's going this can go a tad bit faster If I could wake up and tomorrow was thanksgiving that would be perfect :-), unfortunately thanksgiving is still some time away. I am happy to say baby boy is getting big and bouncing around everyday his moves and kicks get stronger.

Sometime in September I have to do the Glucose Screening Test this test checks for gestational diabetes.   Im not excited about test drinking the nasty orange soda then waiting for an hour for blood draw but a women's gotta do what a woman's gotta do.  With my other pregnancies I have never had any issue's with my sugar don't expect that to change now.

As the weeks go by and I get bigger and bigger, he gets stronger and stronger my excitement rises higher then my fears, Im not as worried. I'm letting myself enjoy the pregnancy more.  Looking forward to seeing my baby boy and looking towards the future. He's truly my Rainbow baby.

Today is Friday the beginning of the holiday weekend, A weekend I usually look forward to LABOR DAY WEEKEND! This is the time when all the West Indians come out and represent their flag and culture.   This is the time  I get my with my bestie Shenna and we have a blast all weekend go to soca and calypso parties and enjoy the festivities.

I can still represent my family culture. The Guyana Flag.

Well, not this year lol This year I will be watching from the sidelines,  I am somewhat happy I don't live in NY anymore, In NJ everything is normal there is no Caribbean music, food, flags.... Nothing to miss and make me feel blue about missing the festivities. There's always next year.  

Even though I was born and raised in Brooklyn, NY the caribbean vibes run through my veins you would think I was born and raised somewhere in Trinidad, but heres the funny thing both my parents are from Guyana no where near Trinidad.  I just love the Trinidadian music it does something to me, I already play some for baby boy not sure if he loves yet since he's always bouncing, cant tell the difference yet. My 2 year old loves soca music

Everyone celebrating Labor Day this weekend have a blast and please be safe out there it can get crazy.
                                                                                                       stay blessed,
                                                                                                               Gabby J.

Monday, August 19, 2013

What A Sunday.

Sunday morning after a great night with my in laws in the middle of my sleep I remember my older sister invited me to church when I woke up it was 10:25am even the kids were still sleeping we got home very late the only person who was up and out was Kevin :-( he had to be to work at 6:30am.  I called my sister thinking I overslept a part was like darn I hope she's not mad the other half was hoping I did miss her and she was already in church lol I was so tired and my feet were swollen due to pregnancy but nope I had the times wrong church didn't start until 12pm.

I tried to get out of it but my sister wasn't hearing it,  me: my feet swollen sis: nope, me:Im tired sis: so sleep when you get back, me:  I don't have no church clothes that fit sis: put on a shirt and pants nothing was working so I got up and went to church. Now I have no problem going to church, I have a church home even though I haven't been attending church lately dealing with some issues within myself.

Korean church experience. The lady between me and my sister is the nicest person I have seen in a while, She genuinely wants to teach people about the love of God.

The reason I was hesitate on going to my sisters church was because it is a Korean church, Now.... i might have to state the obviously but I don't speak korean and besides my nephew who is half korean I don't know any koreans so I didn't understand how I would be able to get my Jesus on.  It wasn't until i got there and that it was a real korean church I got cold feet, i started panicking I said  "I cant do this take me home" lol  but I did it and I honestly enjoyed it. They give you headphones with a person translating what the pastor was saying she was good and everyone was friendly. After their service they serve food now that part was cool we had korean curry beef with white rice and another korean dish but I cant remember the name or could I spell even if I did remember the name of it.

God really showed himself through this experience. He used the last person I ever thought he would use to take me into church and hear what I needed to hear and it was in the last place I would ever think I would ear God, It was amazing between praise & worship and the message I realized how much I missed my church and my pastor most importantly how much I missed being in God's presence and I am thankful I went now it's my job to fix it and it get right.  A big thank you to my sister Onica we have come a long way but the journey was well worth it.

Workout and famiiy BBQ.

Good day all, My oldest sister Onica has been keeping me busy. Last wednesday I went to my first pregnancy workout withBump Fit at uplift studios, I know that sounds funny since this is my fourth child but it is true.  I was excited I figured it would be something light for pregnant women maybe some yoga and stretches BOY was I wrong they worked the crap out of me they had me doing planks yes I said planks!! Also some jumping jacks, light weights, and some other stuff 30 minutes worth of workout.

Even though I thought I was gonna die during the workout after it all it felt good my body felt rejuvenated, relaxed it felt good. After the workout they gave us samples of some the healthy foods and virgin beverages. Best of all I got to model and keep some work out clothes from Bump Fit.  The next few days my arms,thighs and legs were sore.

I also got a goodie bag with granola, raisin and almonds and a cool shirt to represent my baby bump :-)

I also got this cool shirt :-)

On saturday my husband's family had a family BBQ in Long Island, It was really good to see what all his family come together to celebrate his grandmother who turns 80 soon. I love to see his family together there's nothing but love when they are together, her children were there, her grand kids and her great grand kids that is a blessing to see.  I feel blessed to be adopted into this family and let my girls grow up knowing what a real family looks like.  (I stole this pic lol)

This is some of the family. 

The girls having a good time at the BBQ. The other little girl in the pink stripes is Kairi's cousins from her dads side.

My Husband and his cousin junior.  (one of many)

My family isn't big it's my mom, My uncle, 2 sisters and my brother and my nephew. My father's side is bigger but we don't really see them often including my dad.  We don't have family reunions and get togethers well not ones that my sisters, brother and I are invited too, So I am happy that my girls have another family to look up too. My oldest has her fathers family, my little family and my husbands family she has best of both worlds.

My little one has it good too between my mother and kev's parent and her two aunties she is rotten so spoiled lol but I love it.   I look forward to my little boy coming into the world and getting the same love and family experience that I missed as a child.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Level ll Ultrasound (22 weeks)

The day has finally come my level ll ultrasound I was so excited to see our little boy, I was so excited I couldn't sleep last night.  This morning went smoothly kev made breakfast leah was cooperating.  11am we were on our way for our appointment but of course almost 10 minutes to my appointment we got stuck in traffic Grrrrr, I Think there was an accident up ahead and everybody was rubber necking causing the slow traffic. The anxiety was killing me I just wanted to hurry up and get in that office I kept looking at the time praying we weren't sitting here too much longer after what seemed like eternity we finally got to the doctors office and we were only 5 minutes late.

The wait is never long, after 5 mins my name was called and in we went.  The Technician was so friendly as she went through everything she explained from head to toe.  I was a little nervous about the sex of the baby I knew the doctor said it was boy and I asked him how accurate the test was he said it was 100% accurate but silly people kept putting in my head "what if the test is wrong" or "what if they gave you the wrong test results" ok that one I thought of myself  BUT no need the test was right he is a boy!!!

At first I couldn't figure out this picture all I could see were the legs everything else was a blur, after 6 hours of trying to figure out what she saw I now see what the Technician saw. He is was very friendly with the camera but wouldn't stay still he was just bouncing around it probably was a bad idea to drink all that apple juice this morning hahaha.  We got a profile picture of him pointing his finger #1 baby lol thats right he is my #1 boy and mommy loves him so much.

His measurements were all good some he measured bigger one time I seen 23 weeks and some days, I will be 22 weeks tomorrow so I think he is going to be a big boy just like his daddy :-).  Seeing him today eased a lot of my worries, worries that don't need to be their but are because of what we went through a year ago.  This pregnancy is completely different it's it own pregnancy I am happy about that I would be a wreck if their were similarities.

The office I go to for my ultrasounds they have a system where you pay $10 and they send the pictures video to your email, I don't know if other ultrasound offices do this but I think it's a great idea the paper pictures are great too but I love this new technology its easier to send to family and to share with my readers.  Even though it's only monday this is a great week, next on my agenda is a pregnancy work out with my sister I am really looking forward to having some sister and me time and I get to stretch some muscles I haven't used since I've been pregnant and meet some new cool expecting moms.

Well, that is it for tonight I will be blogging about two more times this week like I said this is a good week. I thank my heavenly father for all the blessing he is giving my family, this year is our year the Joseph's year we are getting it done so much to come in the future and we couldn't do with without God and the support of our family.   Goodnight and stay blessed everyone. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Shea Moisture Organic Baby's Lotion and body wash.

I was looking for some Sensitive lotion and body wash for my 2 year old she has very sensitive skin. My sister suggested I try Shea Moisture Organic Raw Shea Butter for babies and I'm glad she did.

The first night I used the Head-To-toe body wash on my little one I was sold the smell is amazing, not over bearing just enough to want to hold them close and smell them. The lather is great I don't have to use half the bottle to get suds and it rinses off very easy to rinse off.  The extra bonus is the Chamomile Bed time has been much easier and calmer.

The Baby Eczema Therapy, Oil Rub, Head-to-toe body wash&shampoo, and Head-to-toe ointment is a must have, It is safe and delicate on the skin with aloe vera free of synthetic ingredients and great for all ages.  My daughter loves all of them she loves the smell. I love not having to worry about unsafe ingredients on my daughters skin and the products keeps her skin soft and healthy.

I will definitely be using Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter on my son when he is born the quality of the products are great and is price friendly I would recommend it to all my friends.

Half way there (20 weeks)

 Tuesday I officially turned 20 weeks yay! Half way there, 20 more weeks to go before I see my little prince or 137 days to be exact.  I feel him all the time now especially when Im eating thats when he is the most active.  I enjoy all his movement I try and get Daddy to feel  some of them he feels the kicks faintly but doesn't always feel them.

Leah is having a hard time with the belly she's use to laying on my belly but now its uncomfortable for me we fight a lot about I try to get her to lay on her pillow but she wants no part of that so we compromise I let her lay there util she's falls asleep then put her on her pillow next to me, after that its me fighting to get comfortable.  I need to get a pregnancy pillow to help me get comfortable at night so I can sleep better.

My older sister has been helping me keep busy, Im doing blogs about different events and products.  I am excited about doing these blogs it gives more to write about, things to do and most importantly things to do.  My oldest Kairi left me for the rest of the summer it looks like she went to spend time with her cousins who are in town from Canada, I am glad she is spending time with her cousins but I miss her so much :-( We would talk about the weirdest things but I love the fact that we talk about everything.

We have so much work to do we are giving the little ones (the 2 year old and little man) our room and setting up our room in another part of the house close to the young ones and my oldest kai.  We have to buy beds for the kids and everything else a room needs. I just don't know when to start this project we have 4 months to do everything...... now might be a good time to start getting things done I just realized that when I wrote this.

In 9 days I go in for  my Level II ultrasound I cant wait to see my little man to see how big he's gotten and to see him moving around. well that is it for now until next time same blessed and happy.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Our first visit to Legoland for "Legends of Chima" event

On Friday my sister, husband and I took our kids to LEGOLAND Discovery Center at Westchester's Ridge Hill, NY, they were having a preview event "Legends of Chima"

We are outside Legoland getting ready to have some fun.

I received media tickets for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was received. Any personal views expressed are always 100% my own.

It was so cool. My daughter and Nephew had a blast. We were able to do almost everything after a while the fun turned into hunger and tiredness but we were able to do all the fun and exciting things.

We got there a little early while the adults waited on line the kiddies were able to build Lego's on a lego mat built on the wall. I thought that was a great idea, The kids weren't asking a million times when can they go in because they were busy building.

These two were my favorite in Mini land, the statue of liberty& The Freedom Tower being a New Yorker of course. I couldn't believe they were made out of lego's that is creativity.

My Husband enjoyed looking at the mini buildings.
The talent to do that is amazing. They had so many different ones. The Yankee Stadium, Ellis Island, Metlife stadium etc. Too much to name, so interesting to look at I really enjoyed looking at all of them.

The kids had a ball at the earthquake tables,they loved building the Lego's, pressing the button at different speeds and watching the earthquake happen. I too got a kick out of that.

We continued on to the 4D cinema to see the premiere. It was a cute 12 minute movie "where tribes of animals fight in battles for CHI, a mystical energy source of limitless power and destruction.

Their was wind, smoke,red&green lights and even some snow Leah loved the snow. I was laughing right with her at the jokes it was enjoyable for the both adult and children.

Out of the 2 rides Lego land has we were able to get the kids to go on one of them twice actually "The Kingdom Quest" the first time Leah didn't enjoy it too much she kept her face dug tight into my shirt the second time she loved it was a mini train ride through the kingdom with laser guns zapping skeleton,trolls and anything in our way to save the princess.

That was fun of course, the adults got competitive saying they zapped more skeletons and trolls then the other but they know the truth I zapped more zombies then they did.

The second ride was the "Merlin's Apprentice" since the little humans didn't want to get on My sister and I went on without them.

Now that ride one was fun and a good workout, the ride goes up and a round in circles and you have to pedal as fast as you can to help Merlin conjure his magic. We were big kids but boy was it fun.

I look forward to going back to Legoland with the kids. for more information on Legoland you can look them up on the website

Monday, July 22, 2013

Focusing on the positive

This heat wave is no joke and my electricity bill will be no joke either, we blast these AC's like there is no tomorrow but the Joseph's can't taking being hot down to my 2 year old she knows the word AC and when she feels it too hot and we are taking too long to turn it off she knows where the on/off button too.  The house chores are so last on the list, they are slowly getting done thanks to my husband I help when I can.  This pregnancy I am so... I don't want to say it but its true LAZY *head down* I cant help it if I don't feel like scratch that if Baby Boy doesn't feel like doing anything nothing is done.

On friday I went to my routine OB appointment we got the results from the second part of blood work that was done the week before testing for down syndrome and retardation everything came back negative so now all those testings are finally done I can really look forward to the Level II ultrasound :-)
The part Im holding is baby ignore the rest lol

another pic of me and belly
But that test isn't for about another 3 weeks I cant wait! Get to see my little boy.  Tomorrow I am 19 weeks 1 week away from being half way done.  His moves and kick are getting much stronger no more flutters these are straight kicks but I enjoy every minute of it no complaints here.  kick away my love <3

This pregnancy is so different the pains and aches I normally get in my third trimester i've had since my first trimester.  The back pains, hip pains, indigestion, heart burn oh and how can i forget the palpitations which my OB insisted I go see my medical doctor and get them checked out.  Im not worried my 2 previous pregnancies I had the same issue when I googled about it, it said it was normal in pregnancies and my OB agreed but still wanted me to get an EKG and ECG done.  Today I went to get the EKG done everything was good they did some blood to check my iron and electrolytes everything was normal.  I was hoping since those were good I wouldn't have to get the Electrocardiogram WRONG I do, Tomorrow I will schedule the ECG and once that comes back normal too I can go back to focusing on my pregnancy.

For the past few weeks I have been debating and couldn't decide on weather to have a baby shower or not my little sister wants me to have a shower  but between my older sister and Kevin's older brother we wont need a shower Kevin's brother have to twin boys who are two years old now, they gave us a HUGE bag of clothes we got the clothes like 2 weeks ago and still aren't finish going through the clothes.  My sister is a professional blogger not a newbie like me she's the real deal you guys should check her out at she is also giving us stuff we don't need a shower, plus I had 2 already for my girls.  The money we put into a shower we could just buy whatever the baby needs.

match made in heaven
OMG while writing this post I was eating some salt&vinegar chips ( I know not the best snack) and kevin came in the living room with ice cream so then I wanted ice cream, while eating my ice cream i looked over at the salt&vinegar chips and it said to me mix me with the ice cream and I did what an amazing explosion in my mouth it was heaven and I wanted to share my heaven with kevin who totally didn't like my concoction smh I don't understand how he didn't like it.  I know its the pregnancy and once I have our little boy I will probably not like it either.

I will give you pregnant ladies my recipe
2 to 4 scoops of Haagen Daz vanilla ice cream
1 to 2 Hand crumbled lays salt&vinegar chips
Mix the ingredients together and enjoy!